What is the ISTC?
The Institute of Scientific and Technical Communicators (ISTC) is the largest UK body representing information development professionals. It promotes better scientific and technical communication by encouraging professional development, sharing best practices and standards and providing networking opportunities for its members and industry affiliates.
How we work with the ISTC
We partner with the ISTC in many different ways. We often attend and present at ISTC events such as the TCUK Conference and have helped organise the UK Technical Communication Awards. Several members of our team also contribute articles to the award-winning ‘Communicator’ journal and infoPlus newsletter.
Why we partner with the ISTC
“Being an active ISTC Business Affiliate offers many networking, lead generation, brand awareness and team development opportunities, which 3di has benefited from for over 15 years.”
Paul Ballard, Managing Director, 3di
Having staff that are members of the ISTC gives our business several advantages. Firstly, it allows our technical communications team to keep up-to-date with the latest developments within the industry, as well as giving back to the community by sharing our ideas and insights via the Communicator magazine. Our staff also have the opportunity to give and receive training and mentorship, which the ISTC organises. Membership gives us discounted access to ISTC events and resources.
Secondly, the ISTC helps raise and maintain standards within the industry. Through the use of regular communications, events, forums, awards, as well as training initiatives, the ISTC helps lead and develop a culture of best practice across the technical communications industry.
“The ISTC’s Business Affiliates, such as 3di, have made a real difference to the the UK technical communication community through their commitment, professionalism, and dedicated staff. Please note: The ISTC does not want to imply that a product or service has the ISTC’s endorsement.’“