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Year of collaboration

2020 – ongoing


A leading provider of advertising sales solutions for media companies

For over 10 years, Lineup has been helping the world’s leading iconic media organizations manage their advertising revenue. Their highly customizable enterprise resource planning (ERP) and advertising revenue management tools enable their customers to enjoy a faster, more streamlined approach across all their sales and subscription management operations.


Localize a complex product into 3 languages

Lineup was looking to launch its groundbreaking revenue management and monetization system, called Amplio. With a European launch planned, they needed to localize Amplio’s User Interface along with its supporting documentation into 3 European languages.

As with many new and innovative Software products, Lineups was not only looking into localizing the Software User Interface, but its documentation also needed, to communicate complex ideas, processes and features to its users simply and efficiently, so that these users could get the most out of the Amplio software.

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Consistency across the User Interface and the User Interface’s strings (In three languages)

Lineup needed Internationalization and consistency, not just across the 3 languages they wanted to localize into, but also between the User Interface and the User Interface’s strings within the documentation content.

Since Internationalization is the first step before any software localization, this was one of the first points of discussion with Lineup Systems. We needed to understand how localization-ready the platform was before starting the process and whether their software environment could accommodate a new language (such as different character encoding and text expansion).

Our second point of discussion was around consistency and how we can enforce Lineup’s industrial terms into the translations


A complete, print-ready user guide in two languages

The 3di team:

  • Worked closely with Amplio software developers to make sure that the platform can accommodate the required languages
  • Came up with a procedure to identify the translatable strings/paragraphs that were missed during the extraction stage of the translatable content
  • Defined Lineup’s terminology extraction stage to make the translation of these terms consistent across different outputs of the product contents.
  • Defined a robust workflow that allows the translation and localization process to go smoothly as well as to provide the Lineup with highest quality outputs.
  • Worked with Lineup to produce a solid delivery plan that can be integrated with Lineup’s timeline to meet the release date.

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High-quality localized Software and its documentation

The 3di team:

  • Played a big role in assisting Lineup Systems in producing their software in multiple languages, which allowed them to distribute within multiple markets.
  • Provide Lineup Systems with high-quality services which has had an immaculate effect on their end product.
  • Identified a slick workflow that will allow the upcoming localization request from Lineup systems to be processed efficiently, with the same high quality and standard as the source and as the previous localized materials.
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